Identity Theft – Protect your Cards

FEBRUARY 6, 2019

The world is constantly getting more complex, more digital, and clearly more dangerous.  There has been a nearly meteoric rise in identity theft.  While TUMCU has put into place many safeguards to protect your identity, most identity theft occurs due to personal negligence. 

Here are some safeguards regarding your credit and debit cards that you can put in place right away:

  • Safely store your credit and debit cards (consider an RFID blocking wallet), and don’t carry around cards that you don’t often use.
  • Always memorize your PINs – don’t write them down (particularly on the cards), and don’t share them with anybody.
  • Be wary of card “skimmers” on gas pumps.  These devious devices are made to slip over the real skimmers, transmitting your card information to a thief nearby.  If it doesn’t look or feel right – just walk away.
  • If asked to enter a PIN on a keypad (particularly at an outdoor unit like an ATM), please keep your hand hidden from any nearby prying eyes.
  • Never give out your card information over the phone unless you made the phone call or are absolutely sure who you are talking to.
  • Keep an eye out for $1.00 and $2.00 charges on your card.  These are often test purchases by someone who has already stolen your identity (and alert the issuer right away).
  • Be sure to shred any ‘convenience checks’ from your card issuer unless you really plan to use them.  Easily stolen from your trash, they give criminals easy entry into your card account.

These are just a few things you can do.  There are other types of identity theft that I hope to cover in future blogs.

MEMBER BENEFIT:  If you aren’t already aware, automatic identity theft protection is included with any SecureChecking account here at The United Methodist Credit Union.  Call us for more details (866)657-0004.


Posted by Jim Eads in Uncategorized.
