New Online Banking & Mobile App FAQs for Churches

Q: How do I login to the new home banking platform for the first time?
A: Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. You will see the login fields in the upper right hand corner of our main home screen (
  2. Your Login ID will be your TUMCU Member number. However, if your Member number is less than six digits, you will need to type leading zeros to make your number six digits long. For example, if your Member number is 1234, you will type 001234.
  3. Your initial Security Code will be the word security, plus the last four digits of the church’s tax ID number. For example, if the last four digits of the tax ID number are 5678, the security code would be security5678.
  4. After logging in, you will create a new login ID (minimum of 6 letters or numbers).
  5. Create a new Security Code. First, enter the word security, plus the last four digits of the church’s tax ID number. Second, create a new security code with at least 9 alphanumerical characters, plus a special character ($, !, @, etc.).
  6. Select 3 challenge questions and answers (for example, what is your favorite color? Your challenge question answers must be at least 4 characters long. If your favorite color was red, in this instance, the system will not accept that answer.).
  7. Click to accept the Terms & Conditions.
  8. Enter your mobile phone number (if you don’t have one, you can enter a home or church number, but you will not get future text alerts.
  9. You can now view your account.